The First struggle for independence
El Grito de Lares (The Cry of Lares) also known as the Lares revolt. Took place on September 23, 1868 in the town of Lares. It is known as the first and only Puerto Rican revolt. However it wasn’t the first revolt the Tainos revolted in1511,and the African slaves revolted in 1515.On September 13, 1868 between 600-1,000 men revolted for independence. The revolt touched all classes, having all classes rich of poor fighting for independence. The revolt was planed for the 29th but it happened earlier do to a turn coat. The most courageous men met up at Manuel Rojas’s farm. Manuel Rojas was the leader of the revolt.
The group took Lares without resistance, because the Spanish was unaware of the revolt.
The next day the men marched to San Sebastián to meet the Spanish military. Within 24 hours the revolt was squashed. The revolt that took 12yrs of planning was over. Only eight men died in battle. Eighty men would later die in jail from yellow fever. Out of the 551 charged a high majority was from western Puerto Rico. They revolted for reasons concerning poverty, slavery, taxation, and military rule. The revolt did gain something in the end. Spain gave the island the status of a province. Some gain Spanish citizenship, however it was only granted to the criollos. Criollos is a term use in the Spanish colonial casta. A Spanish caste system. A term that referred to a person born in the Spanish colonies, but have pure Spanish blood lines. A year later the abolishment of slavery began. Today the event is remembered as a respected holiday.
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